Saturday, March 18, 2006

This is cool It's about a "record a record in a month" challenge in New Hampshire:

The challenge took its inspiration and most of its rules from FAWM, but it called for 10 songs instead of 14-- and the bands had to record them. The Wire took sign-ups at the website,, and announced a kick-off meeting for participants. Nolan personally badgered his friends: "One of my responsibilities early on was to go and make sure we had at least 10 people who were absolutely going to come through for us. In my head I was thinking, we quite possibly could have 30 albums if we really hit it out of the park.

They ended up getting more than 165. That's a lot for a small place in frickin' New Hampshire.

Which makes me rememer a show I went to at the old Hole In The Wall. A microshow. 4 Bands in 15 minutes. I got there right when it started. But I was frickin wasted by the end, man.

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