Tuesday, July 17, 2007

CD Release Show

It's gonna be Sept 8th (Update: It's been rescheduled from the original August date-same venue, still with the Atkinsons). We'll be opening for The Atkinsons at Cafe Diem. It's a free show. The CD is only 10 bucks and Schnitzel will be a full band.

But if you can't wait that long you can order it from CD Baby right now. The link is in the right hand corner. It's actually cheaper to buy it from there than it is at a show. That wasn't intentional. I priced it wrong with CD Baby by mistake and after a few copies sold I didn't think it was right to change it. Well, it's only a buck and some change difference.

This has nothing to do with Schnitzel or 'Cold Harbor' but I found this link fascinating. Tons of fascinating science thingies.

Saturday, July 07, 2007

Cakeeater Rifle

So I went to the Hanover County Tomato Festival (They are seriously prideful of tomatoes around here and that's good thing- the best you ever tasted for 99 cents a pound) which is right down the street. It's big-30,000 to 40,000 people every year. We just kinda walk through it and leave but its one of those events you have to go to when you live around here. Kids stuff mostly, and a lot of arts and crafts booth's.

There was this Confederate/Southern Heritage booth. It caught my attention for a bunch of reasons; they were giving out free Confederate flag stickers (which apparently no one turned down) and they had the most obnoxious bumper stickers. I'm not talking about "Heritage Not Hate" mantra but things like "The War of Northern Aggression: America's Holocaust". There were others too but I literally couldn't read anymore it was pissing me off. They even had some lily white cracker girl dressed up like Scarlett O'Hara.

Anyways, they were having a raffle to benefit Lee-Davis High School (!) and the prize was a shotgun. I went up and looked at the rifle-yup a Remington, manufactured right in the town next to where I grew up- Ilion NY. Now I hated Ilion growing up. Herkimer and Ilion were and still are bitter rivals. Today however, I took pride in them.

But as you may know they have a few different plants, including one in North Carolina. So I read the owner's manual (apparently they can be dangerous). This one was from Ilion. The guy asked me if Sean wanted some coins-I guess they were giving out Confederate coins to kids. I said no and asked him if he knew where the gun was made. He said no. I said "It's ironic-you're giving away a Yankee gun" To which Scarlett O'Hara yells back "Well the North has to do something right"

Friday, July 06, 2007

What's Wrong with Style Weekly?

clipped from www.google.com

Style Weekly : Richmond's alternative for news, arts, culture and ...

This site may harm your computer.
Style Weekly is Richmond's alternative for news, arts, culture and opinion.
www.styleweekly.com/ - Jul 5, 2007 - Similar pages
 blog it

Richmond's alternative weekly website could be bad news. Well that's what Google tells me.

You may know that when you search on Google and they return a site, they'll tell you if there's a good chance you'll be infected with malicious software. (Read more here)

I dunno why I googled Style instead of entering the site directly. But I did. And now I know. And knowing is half the battle.

Update: Another Richmond blogger, Rick Whittington, noticed the same thing a few days ago. (Only with screen shots!)

One of the commenters said she went to the site and her "virus protection went wacky". She won't go back to the site until she reads it was fixed in either Style's dead tree edition or the Times-Dispatch. I was thinking the same thing. But you know how in those dumb horror movies a character goes back into a house to confront a killer and you just know they'll die but it wouldn't be much of a movie if they used some sense and just ran as fast as they could? Well, I have this urge to go to the site anyways.

Can't explain it. Maybe I've been using Firefox too long. And why do I have a major case of shadenfreunde?

UPDATE: I don't see that warning anymore from Google so I guess the problem is fixed.