Monday, November 28, 2005


This Thursday at Chop Suey Books is a tribute to composer John Cage.

A lot of shows state a starting and ending time, but this event is strict when it starts. Get there before 8 cause that's when it starts abd it lasts only an hour. Besides that there aren't many rules. Just a host of musical performers (heavy on the expeirmental). Often these sort of music-free-for-alls can be an awkward, chaotic messes but each Musicircus' I've been to have been nothing short of mesmerizing. If you haven't been to one yet, then check it out. This Thursday.

Although Schnitzel is not a part of this some past and future members will be performing. Also if you see me, ask for a free copy of the Schnitzel Christmas album "Falls On A Sunday This Year". It includes a version of "Holly Jolly Christmas" as well as 4 other tracks done on the home computer.

Friday, November 18, 2005

The Next Time You See Me

The next Schnitzel gigs were announced earlier today.

There's one on Feb 3rd at Cary St. Cafe. Part of the whole Richmond Roots Revival. We'll be playing with The Yokels whom none of us here at Schnitzel have ever heard of before. The other band is The Ex-Patriots (though neither Tony Glenn nor Drew Bledsoe are affiliated with). There'll be some new material. One is called "Saying it Don't Make it So" which I am intending to include on a Christmas EP but will probably not figure out how to record in time.

The other gig is January 28 at the Nanci Raygun. This one will be different. We're opening for the Gaskets CD release party. I don't know what the name of the new one is but I've heard it. They've come a long way since the last one- Big Fun. Just to drive home that very point Schnitzel's duty will be to cover the Big Fun album in its entirety as a full band. No imaginary drummers or absentee bassists. It may be a train wreck but it'll be so in a manner inconsistant with other Schnitzel train wrecks.

Quit Asking Me If I'm Mad At You

The next post should say that "Southbound Freight" is available for purchase at CDBaby. (Well not the next post, the one coming up)

That's cause I sent them UPS the other day. CD Baby seems to have a decent distribution model for independents such as Schnitzel. I'll see how it goes but I have nothing to lose anyways. Except the 12 CDs I sent out. But even if they didn't even get there, I'd like to think they found someone to take care of them anyways. Sorta like how Moses' Mom had it figured out.

Of course most anyone who wanted a copy has one already.
Also, I never said "If I wanted you to have it you'd have one already."

Well I said it but I didn't mean it.

Didn't mean for you to hear it.

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Real Schnitzel is made from veal.

Remember when people would say, "Anorexia? I got a cure-just eat a sandwhich"

But that was mean and distatseful. Like the picure above.

But then i saw this article in Nature (hat tip BoingBoing)..where it says...

Delayed sleep syndrome

In delayed sleep-phase syndrome (DSPS), the patient falls asleep late and rises late. There is a striking inability to fall asleep at an earlier, more desirable time. This may present itself as either sleep-onset insomnia or daytime hypersomnia (particularly in the morning). DSPS is the most common of the primary circadian dysrhythmias, and may, in part, be the consequence of societal increases in night-time activities36. For example, a college student is habitually unable to fall asleep until 02:00, and has great difficulty getting up in time for her 08:00 classes from Monday to Friday. She finds herself dozing off during morning classes. On Saturday and Sunday she sleeps in until about 10:00, and feels rested upon arising, with no episodes of dozing during the day. Combinations of chronotherapy, phototherapy and medications may be effective in 'resetting' the clock. Unfortunately, the treatment regimen must be maintained, or the clock will again become delayed.

and thought, "Delayed Sleep Syndrome" and thought just go to bed early! And that made me feel better about myself.